
Project Lungti

Problem statement

There is an increase in food insecurity, limited access to nutritious produce, and economic challenges among vulnerable urban communities resulting in poor diet, financial instability, and diminished community well-being.

Target group

The target group comprises low-income urban households and marginalized communities facing food insecurity, economic challenges, and limited access to nutritious food options. The initiative will pilot in the community where parents of children with disabilities reside in urban areas.

Proposed solution

Project LUNGTI aims to bridge the gap between urban residents and sustainable food sources, providing a viable solution to the multifaceted problems of food accessibility, affordability, and nutrition within urban settings. There will be an implementation of a comprehensive urban agriculture initiative, integrating innovative farming techniques, capacity-building programs, and community engagement strategies. Through the introduction of SNAP Hydroponics technology and the development of LUNGTI Agri-Starter Kits, the initiative aims to empower low-income urban households and marginalized communities to cultivate their own fresh produce in limited spaces.

Hub activities

  • Training Workshops: Conduct regular hands-on training workshops on urban farming techniques, SNAP Hydroponics, and sustainable agricultural practices

  • Capacity-Building Sessions: Organize capacity-building sessions focusing on sustainable and resource-efficient urban agriculture, agro-entrepreneurship, financial management, and marketing skills fostering economic empowerment within the community.

  • Community Farming Demonstrations: Host live demonstrations and interactive sessions with expert practitioners and agricultural specialists, showcasing successful farming practices.

  • Community Farmers' Market: Establish a regular community farmers' market where participants can sell their surplus produce and homemade products encouraging a sense of community that fosters connections between urban farmers and consumers (local residents).

  • Workshops on Healthy Cooking and Nutrition: Organize workshops on healthy cooking techniques, emphasizing the use of locally grown produce.

  • Environmental Awareness Events: Conduct events and seminars on environmental conservation, composting, and waste reduction.

  • Harvest Festivals and Celebrations: Organize seasonal harvest festivals and celebrations showcasing the diverse produce cultivated by community members.

Short-Term Goals

  • Conduct comprehensive training sessions on urban farming techniques, SNAP hydroponics, and agro-entrepreneurship

  • Design, develop, and distribute user-friendly LUNGTI Agri-Starter Kits (SNAP Hydroponics Starter Pack)

  • Set up accessible and well-equipped urban farming hubs in targeted communities

Long-Term Goals

  • Establish self-sustainable urban farming communities where participants proficiently grow a variety of crops, ensuring a consistent supply of fresh, nutritious produce for themselves and the larger community.

  • Enable participants to develop successful agro-entrepreneurship ventures

  • Promote eco-friendly farming practices, emphasizing organic cultivation, waste reduction, and water conservation.

  • Collaborate with policymakers to integrate urban farming into urban development plans.

Available metrics

  • Number of Participants Trained

  • Survival Rate of Seedlings

  • Crop Yield

  • Number of Successful Agro-Entrepreneurship Ventures

  • Community Engagement Levels

  • Income Levels

  • Participant Satisfaction

  • Policy Advocacy Success

Potential Project Collaborators

  • Department of Agriculture

  • Local NGOs and Community-Based Organizations

  • Academia & Healthcare institutions

  • Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

  • Local Government Units 6. Private Sector Agriculture