
Ruta Alimentaria

Guatemala City Hub was actively engaged in the preparation and delivery of the Food Road Initiative jointly led by the World Food Programme (WFP) and other UN agencies such as FAO, IFAD, UNPD, UNESCO, UN Women and the Resident Coordinators Office. By bridging rural farmers with urban markets towards a large-scale dinner towards the achievement of SDG 2 Zero Hunger. The Global Shapers involvement came from the origin itself of WFP dinners, initiated at Davos during the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum for over the last few years. In that way, both GS as WFP dinners have a common link with WEF. Therefore, Shapers participation in Guatemala was a strong commitment with the Sustainable Development Goals and as strong young changemakers to make a difference in advancing in ending hunger and preventing malnutrition in Guatemala.

The country has the highest undernourishment rate in Latin America, is ranked 6 worldwide and poverty levels are elevating. The Food Road Dinner 2018 involved 8 restaurants, sponsors, collaborators, to bring awareness and call to action to achieve the SDG. The dinner included the identity of the four main regions with the highest undernourishment rates in Guatemala, and from there, represented in four plates: Today (what an average family consumes today in those area), the GTQ4 meal USD 0.54 (challenging chefs with a limited budget, representing the new School Feeding Law to prepare healthy, nutritious and tasty meals with local produce of their region), the 2030 plate (the plate that all Guatemalans would have access in 2030 ending malnutrition with this specific effort), and desert with WFP Specialized Complementary Food (SCF). Global Shapers engagement involved: creative organization concept, co-organization and sponsorship within WFP securing 25 sponsors and collaborators from the private sector, graphic design of Food Road logo, heading masters of ceremonies (hostesses) during the dinner, communication, volunteering during the market and dinner, and facilitating with collaborators. Food Road was the Global Shapers project, involving eleven (11) Shapers.

This is the second event in collaboration with the United Nations in Guatemala, and therefore committed to truly impact in order to achieve SDGs nationally. The event opened up spaces with private and corporate sector to align.