
Saudi Youth Climate Network

What is the project's problem statement? SYCN is addressing the critical problems of a climate leadership gap among Saudi youth, encompassing limited knowledge, awareness, and opportunities, hindering their active participation in climate change mitigation and sustainability efforts as Saudi Arabia transitions towards a green economy.

What is the project's target group? Passionate Saudi youth who are interested in climate change, sustainability, and environmental issues.

What is the project's proposed solution? SYCN's proposed solution involves empowering and equipping Saudi youth with the skills, resources, and opportunities to become leaders in addressing climate challenges and driving sustainable change in the Kingdom. They will achieve this through knowledge sharing, awareness campaigns, advocacy, and community building, ultimately creating an inclusive space to mobilize Saudi youth as climate champions.

What are the hub activities for this project?
1. Member Recruitment and Engagement: Continuing to recruit and engage more members, especially those who are passionate about climate action.
2. Skill-Building Workshops: Organizing regular workshops and training sessions on climate-related topics to enhance members' knowledge and skills (e.g., climate fresk)
3. Advocacy Campaigns: Launching advocacy campaigns and hosting webinars to raise awareness and drive action on specific climate issues relevant to Saudi Arabia (e.g., activism vs. advocacy knowledge sharing session).
4. Partnerships and Collaborations: Strengthening partnerships with organizations, universities, and institutions to create more opportunities for SYCN members (e.g., UNDP, EDF, IsDB, UNICEF, and more).
5. Youth Empowerment Programs: Developing new or using existing programs to empower young leaders to take active roles in climate initiatives, policy discussions, and sustainable practices.
6. Public Awareness Events: Hosting or participating in local events, webinars, and public forums to engage the wider community in climate discussions and actions.
7. Global Networking: Expanding the network's global reach by connecting with other youth climate organizations and initiatives (e.g., Arab Youth Climate Network, MENA Climate Network).
8. Local Climate Conferences: Hosting and organizing annual Local Conference of Youths (LCOY’s) to bring together youth in Saudi, SYCN members, experts, and stakeholders for dialogue, collaboration, and action on climate goals.
9. Global Youth Statement: Producing a Global Youth Statement representing the voice of youth in Saudi and taking it to the big stage at Global COY and COP.
10. Community Engagement: Continuing beach clean-up activities and other community engagement efforts to address local environmental challenges.
11. High-Level Advocacy: Continue promoting the network to key officials and figures who can provide support and advocacy for climate action in Saudi Arabia.
12. Participation in Local and International Climate Events: Participating in local and international climate events, conferences, and forums to represent the Saudi youth perspective and connect with global climate initiatives (e.g., Bonn, GSDC, MENA CW, SYS).
13. Participation in United Nations Climate Conferences (COP): Preparing and sending youth delegates to attend and actively engage in UN Climate Conferences, advocating for Saudi Arabia's climate commitments.

What are the project short and long-term goals?
Short-Term Goal: To build a strong and active community of passionate young leaders who are well-informed, engaged, and actively working on climate change and sustainability.

Long-Term Goal: To establish Saudi youth as key leaders and drivers of change in the field of climate action and sustainability. This includes shaping climate policies and practices in Saudi Arabia, influencing the nation's transition towards a green economy, and contributing significantly to global climate efforts.

What are the project's available metrics?
1. Membership Growth: Tracking the number of members and their demographic information (age, background, expertise) to measure the network's reach and diversity. So far, we have over 160 members (as of Nov. 2023).
2. Member Engagement: Monitoring member participation in events, workshops, and projects to assess their active involvement.
3. Youth Leadership: Identifying and tracking the progress of members who have taken on leadership roles or achieved recognition in the climate and sustainability field.
4. Events Impact: Assessing the attendance and feedback for events, workshops, webinars, and training sessions.
5. Collaborations: Tracking the number of partnerships and collaborations established with other organizations and institutions. So far, we have worked with UNDP, UNICEF, IsDB, EDF Energy, and Pristine.
6. Media Coverage: Monitoring the extent of media coverage, both local and international, on SYCN's activities and achievements. SYCN’s LCOY event was featured on Arab News, Destination KSA, UN website, UNDP website, EDF website, and IsDB website.
7. Community Engagement: Quantifying participation and impact in community-based activities like beach clean-ups. Members have attended several clean-up events.
8. Policy Influence: Assessing the extent to which SYCN's initiatives and members influence climate-related policies or actions at the local or national level. Currently, in the testing phase with our Global Youth Statement.
9. Funding and Resource Acquisition: Tracking the acquisition of financial support, grants, or resources to facilitate SYCN's activities.

Who are the project collaborators, if any? So far, we have worked with UNDP, UNICEF, IsDB, EDF Energy, and Pristine.