
Shape your Future

Since 2020, Shape Your Future is a project of Bilbao Hub that focuses on the future of work. 

The goal of Shape Your Future is that all young people have the TOOLS to KNOW THEMSELVES and DESIGN their own personal and professional future.


Main problem: Adolescence is a complicated stage of life. You don't know yourself well yet, you are in the process of maturing, and yet you must make important decisions. What do I want to dedicate myself to? Why? Ignorance and lack of tools make us go through an existential crisis at this point in our lives.


- Lack of self-knowledge in young people

- Lack of training in transversal skills necessary for uncertain environments

- "Very regulated" educational system → very difficult to do new things, innovate

- Culture of our society that punishes failure (and in the educational system)

- Ignorance of the professions and opportunities that will come in the future

- Lack of references


- Unmotivated young people, disconnected from their purpose

- Worse school performance → Young people who don't meet the system's demands fall off the hook → School failure → We're wasting all that talent!

- Issues of growing mental health in young people (anxiety, etc). It seems more and more difficult to be happy and find well-being.

- The status quo is maintained, but an unstable, weak and ignorant status quo that leads us to poverty and climate disaster.

- Loss of competitiveness and prosperity as a society.


1. Target Group: Young people who are in a moment of professional indecision in their lives.


2. Proposed Solution:

Shape Your Future is a process of discovery and personal growth for young people, supporting them in finding their professional/vocational/vital path from self-knowledge, the development of transversal skills, the approach of the world of work to the school environment, the visibility of references and promoting a culture of continuous learning based on experimentation, to help them make informed decisions and to be more prepared for the uncertain and changing environment that we live in and that is to come.

For this we have devised the following Methodology "from Zombie to Changemaker":

1. WAKE UP THE ZOMBIE - Awareness activities in schools with participatory dynamics, to re-awaken their enthusiasm for the future

2. FIND THE PURPOSE - Cycle of talks, workshops and Mentoring I (Blended), to support them on their path of self-knowledge

3. LEARN TO LEAD - Training workshops on soft skills and leadership (Mentoring II, blended)



Trainings, Networking Events, Changemakers Network. Mentoring Network. Empower them as changemakers so that they have an active role in a positive way in their communities.


The Methodology gives a scalability approach that could be replicated in other Hubs a posteriori.


4. Hub Activities:

Together with the La Salle Bilbao school and the Calasanz Training Center in Bilbao (in collaboration with the Femme Shapers project, also promoted by Global Shapers Bilbao), different parts of the Methodology have been tested three times. With these actions, it has been possible to impact more than 50 young people in different contexts.


From there, feedback has been obtained from the students, and this has helped several young people to get in touch with some of the people from Global Shapers Bilbao to carry out mentoring processes and clarify doubts.


5. Short & Long-Term Goals/Results:

The objective of Shape Your Future is to awaken the consciences of young people, since they are going to have an uncertain, complex future at work that will require a high degree of adaptability.


To do this, initially we have started validating the methodology in schools and a training center, but we intend to take this methodology to other training centers and/or universities.


6.Available Metrics:

We have currently been able to hold sessions in two courses at La Salle, reaching a total of approximately 50 students. After analyzing surveys sent to the student body, more than 90% of the people indicated that they had learned something new, and just over 10% requested direct or indirect contact and/or mentoring with the Shapers.


7. Collaborators:

La Salle College

Calasanz Training Center

Provincial Council of Bizkaia, through the Bizkaia Talent program

Global Shapers Community


8. Global Shapers Community's Impact Areas,

Reskill for the Future: Education and Skills, Workforce and Employment,

Strengthen Civic Engagement: Civic Participation