
Shapers for Venezuela Caracas

What is the project's problem statement?

Families of venezuelan migrants and refugees in Caracas needed of mental health services so that they can overcome migratory duel.

What is the project's target group?

Socioeconomic vulnerable communities in Caracas.

What is the project's proposed solution?

We expect to provide psychosocial attention through therapeutic psychoeducative and artistic workshops that helps to process the migratory duel and dismiss its symptoms in a short term.

What are the hub activities for this project?

  1. Report with key data about migratory duel from our target group

  2. One workshop with migratory duel psychoeducational tools for the target group

  3. One workshop with migratory duel artistic tools for the target group

  4. Final report with key results of the project

What are the project short and long-term goals/results and available metrics?

  • % of socioeconomic vulnerable people from Catia with a decrease of migratory duel symptoms

  • % of attendance to workshops

  • Number of socioeconomic vulnerable people surveyed (60)

  • Number of socioeconomic vulnerable people that increased their knowledge about migratory duel (20)

  • Number of socioeconomic vulnerable people attended by the workshops (20)

We expect to replicate the methodology created to attend migratory duel in other needed groups in the area, so we can generate a mental health culture related to migration in the community.

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