
Shapers Talks

We feel the need to connect to our peers that share the same interests and concerns with us, through learning and sharing experiences. In the French Riviera community, there are plenty of events dedicated to pure networking or leisure, however one cannot find easily events which bring together young people for collective learning and development purpose; events that bring young people around a dialogue, at the same table, to grow ideas together and put them into action. We cannot hear a strong enough voice of the youth in our community. 


That is why we organized a series of Shaper Talks events, each event on a different topic and with different partners. We want to increase the active youth participation in our community through collective learning experiences, which aim to connect and help young people grow together, personally and professionally. We want to change our community one talk at a time!



Impact:  3 talks

Shapers Talks #1 (2018) : entrepreneurship and gender parity in France & China.

*Partners: Nice hub members, University representatives & associations in Anchi, China.

*Description & impact: an international videoconference with the university and local associations of Anchin, China. The location and partners were chosen specifically where one of our hub members, Kenza, actively studied and taught for several months. The Nice Hub held an international videoconference exploring the themes of Entrepreneurship and Gender Parity in China and France. This event was a trial for the broader Shaper Talks project. An article has been written locally in China about our meeting: . Huge impression made on Anchin's University staff. Following the event, they considered asking the WEF to create a GS Hub in their city. 7 participants from France, 13 participants from China.



Shapers Talks #2 (2018) : sustainable energy.

*Partners: WIZ-U Events, MakeSense, Villa Arson, Association Zeya, O-Sol, Eco CO2

Description & impact: the local community in French Riviera needs to be aware about sustainable ways to approach energy, other than using renewables, so that they can take informed decisions. Nice Hub organized a movie-projection followed by a debate on sustainable energy and how it is approached, taught, produced in various places of the world. Global Shapers and WIZ-U Events organized a screening of WATT IF: a documentary that tells the story of citizens (almost) like the others. That of entrepreneurs, pioneers who reinvent the way in which energy is produced or consumed in France, Senegal, Philippines, India, or Mexico. The projection was followed by the presentation of 3 local businesses/associations, working in sustainable energy area: Association Zeya, O-Sol, ECO CO2 and also by a Q&A session with the producer of the documentary. Finally, in the debate-phase of the event, the audience then worked in 3 major groups and came out with proposals and big questions as food for thought to take away home. All shapers participated, 57 participants in the audience, 3 local businesses / associations actively involved in sustainable energy were advertised, 1 of our local partners participated: EveryDayEarth.  



 Shapers Talks #3 (2020):  tech & local consumption.

*Partners: makesense

Description & impact: during Covid-19 confinements, the problematic of local consumption became a real need. Yet not accessible nor easy to tackle by the local  community . Nice Hub co-organized one of the events of the Tech for Good Tour together with makesense organization, as part of Tech For Good Tour (series of events organized by makesense). Tech for Good Tour events discussions are centered around how to better use technology in the service of general good of the society and each event proposes a different use. The event took place online, during first confinement: 5 hub members participated, 1491 people reached on Facebook. More: .