
ShapeSoch: Teaching Sustainable Lifestyle and Recycling Habits to School Students

Problem Statement (Social Impact): Lack of emphasis on waste management, recycling and sustainable lifestyle education in schools leads to more unscientific disposal of wastes among students, contributing to unscientific disposal of waste, environmental degradation. This lack of knowledge also perpetuates societal indifference towards sustainable lifestyle.

Proposed Solution: Develop and integrate a comprehensive sustainable lifestyle, waste management and recycling syllabus into school curriculum, educating students on sustainable practices, waste management, environmental stewardship, and the importance of recycling for personal and societal well-being. Impact of the project is to reach 100 schools and to teach 10,000 students for a period of one academic year. The objective is also to establish a research lab to enhance the innovative techniques in waste management and as a collaborative workspace for interested researchers, students, etc.

Thematic Areas of the Problem Identified: Education, Sustainability, Waste managent, Recycling, Health, Environment, Social Responsibility

Duration (Idea to Viable Product): 6 months to establish a structured curriculum, 1 year for pilot implementation and assessment.

Budget: Estimated budget of $50,000 for curriculum development, materials, teacher training, and initial implementation. The cost includes establishment of a research lab.

Milestones (Quarterly):

  • Research and Curriculum Development

  • Teacher Training and Material Preparation

  • Pilot Implementation and Evaluation

  • Refinement and Scaling Strategy

  • Establishing a collaborative workspace and a research lab


Support Required from Sponsors:

  • Access to educational experts for curriculum design

  • Funding support for materials and training

  • Networking opportunities for collaboration with schools

Program Outcome (Deliverables):

  • Sustainability curriculum integrated into 100 school syllabuses, minimum 10,000 students

  • Workbook consisting of activities related to sustainable lifestyle, waste management, recycling.

  • Established lab to felicitate research activities on waste management and a collaborative workspace

  • Increased awareness and adoption of sustainable practices among students

  • Positive environmental impact through waste reduction and better habits

Research Carried Out to Identify Gaps/Problems: Conducted surveys and interviews with students, teachers, and health professionals to assess current knowledge, behaviors, and the absence of formal wastemanagement education. Also analyzed existing curriculums to pinpoint gaps in addressing waste management, recycling, and sustainable lifestyle education.

This proposal aims to bridge the gap in education by instilling responsible recycling and sustainable lifestyle habits in students, fostering a cleaner, healthier, and more environmentally conscious society