
Shaping my Career

Problem Statement

The lack of access for high school students to valuable insights and guidance regarding their future career choices, leading to uncertainty and uninformed decisions when selecting their higher education paths.

Target Group

High school students so they can address doubts about the professions they wish to pursue.

Proposed Solution

Connect these students with "shapers" who can share their academic and professional experiences, answering these questions and sharing their journeys with the students.

Short & Long-term Goals/Results

Make the decision to choose a higher education path more peaceful and informed for the students, who will have the opportunity to get a closer look at the professionals' work in the job market and the academic journeys that led them there.

Hub Activities

The first school to receive the project will be the Olavo Bilac Basic Education School, located in the Pirabeiraba District, in Joinville.

Initially serving the students in the final year of high school.

Available Metrics

There will be approximately 120 students participating in the pilot project.

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