

In Bucharest, many seniors face not only the challenge of isolation but also the rapid pace of technological and societal changes. Our project seeks to empower this demographic with dedicated learning opportunities, enabling them to stay updated and bridge the generation gap with their children. Our focus is on retired seniors residing in Bucharest and its surrounding areas. Our initiative also seeks to bridge the generational divide between these seniors and their younger family members. Understanding the unique challenges faced by Bucharest's senior population, we're launching the SilverCircle project. This project is not just about just addressing isolation by connecting them with peers but about sparking a renaissance of learning, connection, and empowerment among our seniors. Our proposed activities are: Tech Tuesdays: Held once a month, these sessions will focus on the fundamentals. Seniors will learn how to operate smartphones and tablets, send emails, and use basic apps like messaging and video calling to stay connected with their families.As seniors become more comfortable with the online world, we'll introduce them to the essentials of internet safety, social media, and help them delve into online services like e-banking, online shopping, and telehealth. Memory Lane Fridays: Held once a month, Storytelling sessions where seniors share tales of old Bucharest, documented in a digital archive for future generations. Generational Junction: Monthly events where seniors and local school students collaborate on projects, bridging the generational gap. Wellness Weekends: Holistic health and wellbeing seminars, including yoga, meditation, and nutrition workshops tailored for seniors.

Our goals are:

Short-term Goals (1 year):

Engagement Boost: Attract a minimum of 60 participants for each learning session,

Digital Proficiency: Ensure 80% of the participating seniors attain basic digital literacy skills,

Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback system to continuously improve the learning experience,

Collaborative Learning: Foster group projects and discussions to promote collaborative learning among seniors.

Long-term Goals (3 years):

Hub Expansion: Open 2 "Senior Learning Hubs" in Bucharest, each with its unique learning focus,

Online Platform: Launch a dedicated e-learning platform for seniors, offering courses, webinars, and interactive content,

Youth Collaboration: Initiate mentorship programs where young individuals teach seniors about modern trends, technologies, and cultures.

Our metrics are:

Participation Rates: Monitor the number of seniors enrolling in and attending each course.

Learning Assessments: Conduct regular assessments to gauge the knowledge and skills acquired by the seniors.

Feedback Analysis: Analyze feedback to identify popular courses and areas needing improvement.

Digital Engagement: Measure the activity and engagement levels on the online learning platform.

Our collaborators are: We already discussed with Comunitatea50Plus, the largest group of seniors in Romania (500.000+ members) and the coordinator is interested in collaborating with us. Further on, we want to get more groups and maybe involve the government. Local Universities and Colleges Community Centers Local NGOs focused on Senior Welfare Local Government and Municipal Bodies Hospitals and Clinics.