

Problem Statement:

University students in Tanzania face high unemployment rates with 61% reported to lack job-market skills (World Bank, 2017).


Target Group:

Current students in Universities and Colleges in Arusha, Tanzania.


Proposed Solution:

SkillUp is a 6 weeks capacity building programme for University students in Arusha to develop key 21st Century skills that can help them be ready for the job market.


Hub Activities:

The first activity of SkillUp is a weekly training programme to help participants develop key 21st century skills including Digital Tools, Communication, Problem-Solving and Career Guidance. Participants will practically apply what they learn to solve real company problems. The second activity is that over the six weeks, the participants will form a book club and read one book together. This will help increase their exposure, knowledge and reading culture; encouraging them to be life-long learners. The third activity is a conference that will be hosted on digital skills to sensitise youth on 21st-century skills and the digital economy.


Short & Long-Term Goals/Results:

The first goal of SkillUp is to sensitise 50 youth about 21st century skills and the digital economy. The second goal is train 20 youth on job-ready 21st century skills. The third goal is to increase the reading culture by encouraging them to read at least one book in six weeks.


Available Metrics:

To date, we have conducted one pilot training session on Career Guidance reaching 20 youth. 100% of respondents reported learning at least one thing that can help them in their career. We are preparing to launch the first full edition of SkillUp in February 2021.