

A group of 7 Shapers from the San José Hub are working together in order to develop “SoliDarios” (Solidary) project. One of the main drivers to conduct this project was in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project goal is to help a high-risk population; in this case, we are focusing on elderly people and a non-profit organization (named Lifting Hands) that seeks to improve the quality of life of people living in high social risk communities. The project ensures that through the Uber Eats platform people can select packages (food or cleaning supplies) to donate them to elderly homes and to a non-profit organization. This was possible due to the partnership with Uber, Uber Eats, CONAPAM (National Council of the Elderly), Fresh Market, and AMPM (convenience stores). The project was launched on the 8th of June, and only in the first week, almost 10% (140 packages) of the total amount was collected. Also, we managed to secure a $10.000 donation from Uber that will be reflected in more packages donated to families in need.