
Startup Yatra - Connecting Youth to Entrepreneurship

Startup Yatra is a state-wide campaign to promote entrepreneurship and encourage young people to launch their own business. This is a joint initiative of Patna Hub, BEA, SPLAN, and Government of Bihar.

Aim of this project is to direct response to rise unemployment among young people in the state, identify skill Gap and grassroots innovation and connect grassroots innovation with global market. #grassroots2global

Startup Yatra will focus on 4 pillars:

1.Career Analysis & Direction:
Career Analysing is a process that focuses on helping one understand one’s own self, as well as work trends so that one can take an informed decision about career, education, and life. At one point of time youths are really confused in choosing their career aspect and their minds are diverted towards many options not knowing where to go, so right career advice can help them talking the right career decision and at right time.

2.Defining Skill Set:
In the present context of globalization, the demand for skilled and multi-skilled workers has increased. Therefore, in the context of developing countries, such as India, there is a critical need for quality skill development and training. Skills and knowledge development are the driving forces behind the financial growth and community development of any country. Skill building is a powerful tool to empower individuals and improve their social acceptance.

3.Empowering for Jobs:
As today’s economies become ever more knowledge-based, technology-driven and globalized, and because we simply don’t know what the jobs of tomorrow will look like, there is a growing recognition that we have to prepare the next generation with future-ready skills and with the capacity for continued lifelong learning. The gap between the requirement of the employer and the prospective employee can be met only through Skill development and training.

4.Preparing for Entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurship is both the study of how new businesses are created as well as the actual process of starting a new business. So, through this startup yatra you will be able to know how to make a business plan, how you can pitch your idea, how to get fund, and sector-wise opportunities in Bihar, statutory licensing, and schemes from govt. and non-govt agencies and how you can become a successful Entrepreneur.
This project is an opportunity for the students to connect with the best mentors, entrepreneurs, advisers to better understand the need of life and can challenge their own assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes.