
Pachamama (StepUpClimateAction)

Bogota Hub’s #StepUpClimateAction project aims to raise awareness and connect different actors of the environmental ecosystem in Bogota to accelerate climate initiatives and make concrete impact. The hub organizes “Shaper Talks,” TED-Talk style panels about Climate Action (“Acciones por el Clima”), the first having been organized on the World Environmental Day 2018.

#StepUpClimateAction also supports existing programmes of waste collection such as Let’s Do It, Bavaria, Plogging Colombia and the Ministry of Environment with the aim of raising awareness on waste management issues and moving citizens to implement real changes to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. The hub participated in four cleanup days in Bogota that together collected more than 15 tons of waste.

A third initiative of the project is to plant 391 trees in protected urban areas of Bogota in order to diminish the city’s carbon footprint. The hub has participated in different activities such as swaps and green races. In total, the hub has mobilised almost 2440 people to take Climate Action.