

A defining trait of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is the speed of change. And Beijing is no stranger to rapid change. The transformations endured during the last century of Chinese history are overwhelming.

​However, young people in China are not necessarily aware of this. Many young people born after the 1990s have only known comfort, relative prosperity and plentiful opportunity. Shapers believe there is value in reminding young people of what previous generations have experienced – so that when the speed of the Fourth Industrial Revolution becomes uncomfortable, citizens have the fortitude and understanding to handle it gracefully. Worry and fear cannot define decision-making.
Beijing II Hub will aim to develop  public-private cooperation between storytellers, entertainment and public spaces, while leveraging new technologies such as AR and VR, to viscerally show young people how much change humanity can handle to appreciate how far we’ve come and inspire millennials to see forthcoming change as an opportunity. Shapers will begin this effort with an AR storytelling project implemented in 2018.