
Swap not Shop

A gathering where individuals can exchange items with one another and attendees can bring items they no longer want or need. It's a great way to declutter and find new items keeping things moving in a circular loop while also reducing waste and supporting sustainability further following the agenda of raising awareness on environmental issues and providing a platform for people to exchange knowledge.

A swap can have positive impact for both the individuals and community:

  • To bring people together towards a common cause

  • Support sustainability by promoting the reuse and repurposing of items, rather than the consumption of new resources

  • To reduce the environmental impact of fashion as a whole

  • Help declutter their home, know and learn about other people interests and lifestyles

  • Donations to needy on the will of swapping audience

Hub activities include:

  1. Recurring swap events, such as a book swap or skill swap

  2. Panel discussions and awareness sessions around the importance of swapping not shopping

  3. Mending and upcycling workshops

  4. Donation of clothes and articles along with the swap events to ensure that articles do not end up in landfills