
Systema Naturae

A web portal to index datasets related to wildlife. Publicly available datasets from across the internet are read by our web crawlers and using sophisticated data analysis (we are working towards an artificial intelligence/ machine learning solution) we classify the datasets and projects created by people working at the grassroots level, government, researchers, and publishes them on our portal for people to search. We have indexed over 5,553 wildlife datasets and 1,023 wildlife projects and we are one of the largest indexes of wildlife research across the internet. People from over 116 countries including from 1414 Cities, 239 Universities and research institutes, 67 Govt Agencies, 71 Corporates have contributed and visited our initiative and utilized our data. At the 22nd Annual UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development held in May 2019 at Geneva the project was featured for its role in building resilient communities, including through the contribution of citizen science. (UNMGCY) United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth nominated us to the UN Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals. We were awarded the Government of Canada's CSC Grant. Our Project works towards UN SDG 12,13,14,15. Welcome to visit us to learn more about us, our impact and how we are making a difference.