
Talks on Social Entrepreneurship

On demand talks on various topics related to Social Entrepreneurship at schools, universities and events in Belo Horizonte. Some examples of institutions we have delivered speeches: IBMEC (one of the most relevant business schools in BH), UEMG (State University of Minas Gerais), Milton Campos (one of the most renowned Law Schools in BH), Baanko Challenge

and Colegio Loyola (one of the most traditional schools in BH).

Realização de palestras pelos shapers a convite de universidades, escolas e eventos que acontecem em Belo Horizonte. Organizações onde já realizamos palestras: IBMEC, UEMG, Milton Campos, Colégio Loiola,


> To disseminate the concept of Social Entrepreneurship, inspire youth to act on creating solutions for the challenges facing our city and teach them how to develop and implement a social enterprise idea.

> To help Global Shapers to be well known and to attract youth to join Hub Belo Horizonte and become a shaper.

> Disseminar o conceito de empreendedorismo social, inspirar jovens para a ação com foco na resolução dos problemas da nossa cidade e ensiná-los como desenvolver uma ideia de empreendimento social

> Divulgar o Global Shapers e atrair jovens com perfil para serem shapers no hub BH