
The Feed'em Movement


  • There are over 20 Crore (15% of the population) undernourished people in India

  • One-third of the world's hungry live in India 

  • Mumbai has the highest prevalence of malnourished (low weight for height) children among all of India’s biggest cities


  • Project members have adopted needy communities and distribute raw food to those who are food insecure on a monthly basis

  • Project members are mobilizing a network of hunger champions around the city to contribute and donate surplus food products to the most vulnerable communities, helping them meet their basic needs

  • Champions/volunteers source, pack and distribute food packages (raw material - rice, pulses, vegetable oil etc.) monthly

  • Through a thorough monitoring and evaluation process, the team ensures the meals distributed are used as a tool to change lives by promoting and improving health and nutrition, addressing gender inequalities, stimulating economic growth and fighting child labour.

  • When everyday access to food, wages, and market systems are destroyed in the wake of emergencies, like COVID-19, Feed’em strives to ensure aid is efficiently and effectively deployed to and received by communities when it is needed most.



  • Served 30,000 meals since inception in January 2017 

  • Mobilized 1000+ citizens in Mumbai to collect and distribute food to the needy  

  • Conducted 15+ food drives identifying the neediest communities 



  • Crowdsource food by mobilizing citizens who are passionate about the cause of food insecurity, and supplement it by buying raw food (rice, pulses, vegetable oil, etc.)

  • Select communities that are extremely needy, with a special focus on women and children. This includes night schools, shelter homes, slum areas and homeless citizens

  • Hold food drives twice a month where a group of volunteers visit the communities and distribute the food



  • Local NGOs, Municipal and Night Schools, Slum dwellers (and their coordinator)

  • Private donors and sponsors 

  • Community of volunteers  


SHORT TERM GOAL: Reduce the hunger and malnutrition in the present



LONG TERM GOAL: To create solutions for sustainable feeding mechanisms by leveraging the future of food conversations and concepts.