
The impact of climate change in the Rhine-Neckar region

Climate change is a global issue that affects every region of the world, causing rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, and negative impacts on ecosystems and human societies.

The Rhine-Neckar region around Mannheim, Heidelberg, and Karlsruhe is an area in Germany that is exceedingly affected because of huge forests, vineyards and big companies that are dependent of the rivers Rhine and Neckar (important for their supply-chains). In the last years we often see in summer low water levels and in some parts a massive harvest loss.

Because many stakeholders are currently collecting their own data and creating their own action plans, the Global Shapers Heidelberg would like to create a holistic view of the regional impact of climate change and bringing together all stakeholders.

The main goal of this project is getting a holistic view of the regional impact of climate change and bringing together all stakeholders to exchange data, information, and best practices to fight together against the climate change.

Therefore the members conduct interviews with different stakeholders to get to know their specific challenges and bring this data together in a joined status report to get a holistic view of the effect of climate change in the region. Then they interpret the information and create action items how to face this challenge.