
The Nasi Pusu Initiative

Problem Statement:

Brunei Darussalam faced the second wave of COVID-19 in August 2021. The country experienced an overwhelming number of hospitalisations, and hence prompted an increasing demand for volunteers to work as the frontliners during the pandemic. In order to support the frontliners as they endure demanding work to combat the second wave of COVID-19, Global Shapers Bandar Seri Begawan started the Nasi Pusu Initiative (translation: Pusu Rice Initiative).


It was initially planned as a small contribution in terms of packed lunches (of pusu rice or chicken rice) but later grew to accept monetary and in-kind contributions. Members of the public could contribute in terms of monetary assistance for Nasi Pusu, or other necessities needed in isolation centres in the country (hand sanitisers, masks, hygiene products, etc).


The goal of the project was to provide support to frontliners, in terms of providing packed lunches and logistics needed at vaccination centres, isolation centres, and more by engaging with the public for their support and contribution. 



The initiative provided support and a sense of solidarity amongst the community and promoted social responsibility. The project team also hopes that logistic items sent to healthcare centres across the country can be of use long-term in the future. Within two weeks, the initiative was able to gather BND$11,770 contributions distributed in the form of packed lunches, furnitures, pillows, and other essential needs.