
The Volunteer Guide

Problem Statement: The project aims to address human resources constraints faced by many NGOs by connecting individuals willing to volunteer with organizations in need of support. This initiative seeks to fulfill both the desire of individuals to contribute to their communities and the operational needs of NGOs. The aim is to also make volunteering accessible to all in whatever capacity possible.

Target Group: The project primarily targets individuals willing to volunteer, including college students, retired employees, and early-stage employees seeking to give back to society.

Support: The project supports both NGOs and society by providing a platform that bridges the gap between supply and demand for volunteer opportunities. It helps individuals find suitable volunteering opportunities aligned with their interests and connects newcomers to local chapters with meaningful ways to get involved. These list of NGOs are also updated giving correct information for those using the platform.

Proposed Solution: The proposed solution involves creating a platform/website listing NGOs, their causes, work, and resource constraints. Individuals can sign up to volunteer for various programs offered by NGOs based on their availability and interests, whether on a part-time or full-time basis. They can also get a certificate once they join.

Hub Activities: The hub's activities include developing and maintaining the volunteer platform, facilitating communication between volunteers and NGOs, organizing outreach and awareness campaigns, and providing support and guidance to both volunteers and organizations.

Short and Long-Term Goals: Short-term goals include establishing the platform, recruiting volunteers, and onboarding NGOs. Long-term goals involve expanding the platform's reach, increasing volunteer participation, and fostering sustainable partnerships between NGOs and volunteers.

Metrics: Metrics for the project include the number of website viewers/reach, number of volunteers registered, the number of NGOs onboarded, volunteer satisfaction ratings and can be expanded to the number of volunteer hours contributed, and the impact assessment of volunteer activities on NGOs' operations and community impact.

Project Collaborators: The project collaborates with various NGOs, community organizations, universities/institutes interested, and potentially corporate partners interested in supporting volunteerism and community engagement initiatives.