
Togetherness Table Journey with The Study Hall College

Togetherness Table is a unique experience that opens up dialogues in intergenerational groups. It is essentially a game in the form of 'refl-action' tasks which create an opportunity for deep conversations. The experience enables a shift from having adverse feelings to more positive feelings.

In the first iteration of the programme, the team of Bewajah conducted 9 sessions with 3 cohorts of more than 80 students in their first year of college, reaching a total of around 240 students in one week, discussing topics surrounding their well-being and relationships. The sessions provided a listening and empathetic space for students where they could discuss the changes in their lives and their impact in the pandemic year as well as go through multiple experiences of sharing and understanding those feelings. Many teachers also got to be a part of the journey, where they joined the students in the attempt to identify and work on their feelings.


Currently, the project team is executing the second iteration of the project.

The entire journey focuses on:

  1. Providing opportunities to the participants to label and identify their feelings.

  2. Creating a space to experiment with different methods of assessing and acting on negative feelings.

  3. Asking for help and support from their loved ones as well as reaching out to their peers.