

Problem statement

There is an insufficient technical training of primary education teaching staff for the early identification of cases of violence against children.

Target group

School teaching staff of public primary education schools in Curitiba.

Proposed solution

Offer an interdisciplinary training to School teaching staff of public primary education schools in Curitiba through workshops taught by professionals from the legal, health and psychological areas, to promote dialogue and share experiences on combating violence against children.

Hub Activities

  • Recruit professionals with experience in the subject to instruct the teaching staff

  • Form partnerships with the public sector to implement the workshops

  • Organize and execute the workshops

  • Perform surveys to measure satisfaction and assess the impact on violence against children.

Short-term goals:

  • Diagnosis of the school support environment to combat child violence in Curitiba.

  • Pilot school initiative, train educators to identify signs to correctly support possible victims of child violence.

  • Monitoring of teachers to whom the workshops were taught, with feedback reports to assess impacts.

  • Evaluate expansion to other institutions.

  • Achieve a higher level of preparation and better equipment to support schools against child violence.

Long-term goals

  • Map and understand public engagement channels to evaluate and interact with public policies related to this topic

  • Production of a report for impact assessment

  • Expansion to institutions in surrounding cities

Available Metrics

  • Number of workshops conducted

  • Number of teachers trained

  • Numbers of city areas impacted

  • Number of students attended by trained teachers (number of enrolled students)

  • Recommendation index (Net Promoter Score - NPS) based on teacher's feeback.

Project collaborators

  • Beyle Pereira da Silva, master's degree in forensic psychology, psychologist, lawyer, and pedagogue, works in the Municipal Education Network of Curitiba

  • Bruna Marques Saraiva, lawyer, president of the Child and Adolescent Rights Defense Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association of Paraná

  • Luciana Assunção Zanon, PhD in pediatric dentistry, permanent professor in the Dentistry postgraduate program at the Federal University of Paraná.