
Ukraine Discovery Tour

Revolution of Dignity of 2014 put Ukraine on the radar of people's minds. A group of shapers decided that the opportunities and success stories of Ukraine need to be promoted to the international community so that people can exchange experiences, develop connections, and rebuild the country.

To address this problem Kyiv hub during 2015-2018 organized and conducted a series of workshops, meetups, and networking events between international participants and Ukrainian policymakers, business leaders, social movement representatives, active youth

The hub introduced the most prominent Ukrainian industries sectors and investment opportunities to the participants


The hub provided both cultural and gastronomic experience (tours, excursions, visits) for international guests to give an opportunity to explore Ukraine from all different perspectives

Short term goals of the project:

More people got to know each other, more social and business connections and partnerships were established

Participants got to learn more about Ukraine, its culture, recent transformational process, and success stories

Some stereotypes about Ukraine were destroyed; a change in the attitude towards Ukraine

Better visibility and recognition of the Kyiv Hub among local stakeholders and partners

Long-term change include

Closer cooperation was established between participants and some Ukrainian counterparts

Increased visibility of the Kyiv Hub on the international and local arenas

Better PR and visibility for Ukrainian success stories, organizations, and opportunities

Change of the perception of Ukraine

Available metrics of the project:

62 people participants visited Ukraine

117 Ukrainian organizations participated

4 service agreements, 15 cooperation agreement, 2 export agreement were signed

15 people returned for business and leisure trips to Ukraine

4 UDT participants accepted the job offer in Kyiv

2 events in Ukraine were sponsored by UDT participants

2 Ukrainian startups got to the accelerator program in Europe

6 personal projects of UDT participants implemented in Ukraine

48 articles, 276 posts were published about UDT content