
Unity Day

In collaboration with stakeholders from NGOs, business and social enterprise, the London Hub has launched a new initiative that encourages people to come together with friends, family, colleagues, and strangers to find common ground. We have named Tuesday 19th May as Unity Day - a day where people will take actions, big and small, to find common ground and unite with someone, or something new. Global Unity Day is a day to get people thinking consciously, creatively, and joyously about unity. A day to empower people to go beyond their comfort zones and filter bubbles and build a connection with someone they wouldn’t ordinarily interact with. A day to pledge to do something different. We have created a platform that captures people’s actions and over the next few months we are building a movement that changes the narrative. We will be working with stakeholders from across the NGO, political, entertainment and social good spaces to promote Global Unity Day and will be asking them to pledge to take an action that unites them with someone, or something, new.

Goal: We want to combat the tide of division by celebrating what unites us as human beings - attributes such as kindness, compassion, creativity, communication.