
Vive Verde EcoEscuelas

Problem Statement

The city of Barranquilla, Colombia, needs its citizens to become more sensitive to the problem of climate change and acquire good ecological practices.


Target group

High school students from public schools in the city.


Proposed Solution

Through the VIVE VERDE EcoEscuelas Project (, the Barranquilla Hub organized environmental awareness campaigns and activities such as planting and building a vegetable garden and planting trees in the surroundings of a public school (ADD NAME).


Hub Activities

1. Ecological day - talks and activities about the environment and inauguration of the newly planted school garden

2. Follow-up visits

3. Activities and talks


Short term goals

Teach and sensitize young people from beneficiary schools about climate change.


Long term change

A sustainable and friendly school adopting environmental practices in its processes and activities .


Available metrics

- 1 school impacted 

- 50 students impacted 

- 5 shapers involved in the planning and logistics of the project and all Hub members involved in the execution and events.



- Orgánicos del Caribe

- Reilo

- Pricesmart