
Quarantine Buddy - for Mental Health & Wellbeing

The Guadalajara Hub initiated a project to check-in on one another during quarantine. As Shapers and active member of society being confined comes with a large emotional burden that sometimes goes invisible and unspoken.

The Guadalajara Hub will tackle this by pairing people to check in on each others' wellbeing every 3 days during this difficult time. Buddy's will double as listeners, career mentors and personal cheerleaders.

Send me a message to apply to be a buddy! 

Since it's launch in april, Quarantine Buddy has reached more than 50 countries across all continentes around the globe. With more than 500 Shapers, YGLs and other Forum Communities involved, more than 360,000 conversations have happened around the world to show what our community is capable of when safe communication is fostered. 12 cross-hub projects have emerged, 25 webinars organized. Trust, friendship and collaboration spread around every corner of the world.