

Too many times, a voter's education campaign focuses solely on technical details of registration and voting rather than empowerment and reforms. Voters still tend to vote for the wrong person that does not advocate substantive changes in the country's political structures and culture. With YouVote, the hub will deepen the voters' understanding of their rights, enabling them to become not only discerning and progressive citizens but also potent agents of change. A voters' education campaign remains an education campaign until it translates to actual votes.

Responsible voting on the day of the 2022 election will define the kind of future the Philippines will have for the next 6 years. YouVote aims: 1. To educate Ilonggos about their right to suffrage and how they can participate in the election process; 2. To educate them in the qualities and marks of a servant leader; and 3. To encourage them to rise up in leadership and be the salt and light of this generation.