
Emocionario Riohacha

Problem Statement

The Emocionario aims to address mental health issues among leaders by fostering deep reflections and insights through expert talks and interactions among Shapers.

Target Group

Leaders and Shapers who require support and insights into mental health and emotional well-being.

Proposed Solution

Convening experts for monthly talks that delve into various mental health topics, allowing leaders to gain insights, reflections, and strategies to support their mental health and leadership exercises.

Hub Activities

Monthly talks covering diverse mental health topics, such as embracing uncertainty, mindfulness, and discussions on depression and inner child exploration. The talks engage Shapers and experts in interactive sessions.

Short and Long-Term Goals

Short-term goals include conducting monthly talks on mental health topics, fostering discussions, and providing insights. Long-term goals aim to create a sustained impact on mental health awareness and support for leaders worldwide.

Available Metrics

Metrics include the number of participants attending talks, engagement levels during sessions, post-event surveys on perceived impact, and qualitative feedback on the applicability of insights gained.

Project Collaborators

Global Dignity serves as the overarching initiative within which Emocionario operates. The project involves multiple hubs such as Riohacha, Santa Marta, Barranquilla, and Cali, pooling their expertise and experience.

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