
Impact Drinks: Manila

Impact Drinks was an initiative borne from Beijing Hub II. It expanded to Manila with the same objective of bringing together different actors in the development space who don't usually have the opportunity to meet to discuss and exchange information with the potential to collaborate.


The main objectives of Impact Drinks were to:

1. Bring together people who can help scale each other's work/social enterprise

2. Connect mentors/investors interested in meeting up and coming leaders and entrepreneurs

3. Involve young leaders who have the potential to play key roles in society with the hopes that conversations with them would influence future impact

Overall around 30 people attended impact drinks.

Impact Drink Sessions included:

  • June 13, 2018, Batala Bar

  • July 25, 2018, Batala Bar

  • August 30, 2018, Clock-In

  • Feb 28, 2019, Pedros Tap House