
Super Connectors

The word chaos is often used to describe the current state of the entrepreneurial community. What led to this situation is not clear and it has been like this since the early days of the Internet industry. 

The current generation is moving faster. Hence, more opportunities and responsibilities are rushing to us such as new ways to explore the needs of entrepreneurs and help them grow sustainable. 

The Global Shaper Community Shenzhen Hub initiated Super Connectors to empower startup communities, help them find out their clear position, and serve entrepreneurs more efficiently.

The project aim to understand the Great Bay Area (Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong Province in China) entrepreneurial ecosystem and find ways to improve the partnerships among the community.

The project intend to held events related to the subjet as well as build a digital map (website) that includes local communities and their partner’s information, starting in Shenzhen before including other geographies.