
Talento Joven

Problem Statement

The current situation of the young population in Colombia after the pandemic shows that of the nearly 11,447,212 million young people of working age, out of every 100 young people who finish secondary education, only 48 immediately access higher education and of these, only 24 finish their studies.

51% are excluded from formal education or employment opportunities; These figures show that, as a society, we are losing more than half of the potential of youth, who, if they had access to the required opportunities today, could contribute to the social and economic development of the country.

This same analysis for the city of Bogotá shows that, of the nearly 1,798,362 million young people of working age, 37% are excluded from these opportunities, representing nearly 700,000 young people who see their well-being and quality of life limited.

Of the total Youth with Potential in the city, 52% are women. When analyzing the number of young people who neither study nor work, this figure increases to 58%, showing that there are also gender-based gaps.

By 2021, it was estimated that there were 291,062 young people in informal jobs in Bogotá.

Proposed Solution 

Talento Joven is a project of the Bogotá Hub of the Global Shapers Community that seeks to increase access to economic opportunities, comprehensive training, participation and leadership of young people in Bogota.

The Bogota Hub has developped two complementary lines of work:

1. A centralized bootcamp on a web page where any interested person can strengthen their skills in the use of basic technologies that allow you to improve your professional profile and be competitive in today's job market.

From Global Shapers Bogotá, we will monitor the advances in the development of the modules, an accompaniment to the participants to ensure compliance with and standard measurements KAS (Knowledge, attitudes & skills) that allow us to understand the participants experience.

2. A face-to-face training cycle on demand, in which Global Shapers visit schools, technical training centers, technology and universities where it can be collectively taught or in individual sessions dealing with the following axes: how to build a good CV, how to present a good job interview and how to manage the first salary and save.


Short term goals

In the first version of the project (2021-2022) we want:

- Directly impact 200 young people in strengthening their abilities to seek formal employment.

- Place 50 young people in formal jobs.

- Consolidate the project as an actor in the ecosystem.

- Plan a face-to-face event that functions as a job fair.


Long term change

Helping young people between 18 and 28 years old to have a formal job, in some cases the first in their families, which allows them job stability, social security and access to better opportunities for their entire families.