
The SMART Network

With the COVID-19 pandemic, many people in Goa have lost their job. There is a need for local enterprise and alternative livelihoods to the tourism industry, which is both contributing to climate change and currently to higher infection risks. There are young students in need of mentorship and access to jobs/entrepreneurial opportunities. There are also individuals who are already running social enterprises but in need of support services. The project seeks to reach individuals running or interested in starting purpose-driven enterprises - either tackling a social or environmental issue.

The SMART Network is an incubator that aims to provide support services that include:

  • StartUp Saturdays once a month (inspiring talks, networking, design thinking workshops around issues faced by social entrepreneurs)

  • Whatsapp group (/mailing list/broadcast list/link for Qs) for social entrepreneurs (to keep them up to date on funding, events and opportunities, to connect them with each other, to advertise jobs)

  • Mentorship scheme: connecting interested youth to experienced social entrepreneurs.

  • Expert consultations: for access to skills eg. lawyer/accountant. Enactus Warwick consultants providing business advice.