
Bien Cuida'o

A civic education initiative promoted by the Global Shapers Panama City Hub, whose purpose is to promote citizen participation. The project's mission is to provide information in a simple way that fosters a critical opinion on political issues for new and current generations.

The project's aim was to publish a website with proposals of presidential candidates before Panama's 2019 elections on May 5th. The website helped younger generations to vote consciously. The Shapers made an alliance with Uber and Tribunal Electoral (the voting institution in Panama). By using a promo code (BIENCUIDAO) that day, voters would receive a 50% discount round-trip on Uber. 17 thousand people rode with Uber to go vote. The Hub also partnered with debate organizations, political news sites and civic groups to host political talks. The Hub's current goal is to keep track of campaign promises and to follow up on the winning candidate's proposals.