
ClimArt Lab

The fight against climate change and everything it implies — the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), the energy transition towards a decarbonised economy, energy efficiency, the change in consumer habits, etc. — requires a greater awareness and improved willingness to act by all civil society actors. Students don’t learn enough about climate change at school.

The Rome Hub has decided to spread awareness among young people about the causes and effects of climate change and to make future designers understand the importance of being able to convey powerful messages. The target audience: high School Students specializing in graphic arts.

The ClimArt Lab project has a three lectures program that focus on: 

1) Causes and Impacts of Climate Change

2) Analysis of 4 topics concerning the Climate Change 

3) Working method of a graphic designer: how can they spread awareness through their communication skills?

4) Design of a poster on one of the 4 topics 

5) Collection of works and online publication