
Climate-Friendly Food Accessibility

The world's food system is responsible for about one-quarter of the planet-warming greenhouse gases that humans generate each year. This presents a challenge to the cycle of growing, raising, delivering, and consuming food. Certain foods have a larger impact than others when it comes to accounting for greenhouse gas contribution. For example, meat and dairy account for over 1/8th of the GHG emissions. Austin is not exempt from greenhouse gas impacts and this Global Shapers project seeks to provide education at a localized level on the issue. The goal of this project is to work through the Austin neighborhoods, starting with the economically disadvantaged communities, to provide resources on climate-friendly foods, accessibility, and what a healthy plate looks like.


The Climate-Friendly Food Accessibility Project will provide a neighborhood specific food guide. The food guide will explain what climate-friendly food is, what options exist locally, and identify available resources such as funding, recipes, and training.