

Problem Statement:

In Uruguay, small associations & NGOs working on educational or environmental projects face several problems to which they are not always prepared for, including lack of funds, no strategic planning or absence of skills to develop their networking abilities.


Target Group:

Small associations & NGOs working on educational or environmental projects.


Proposed Solution:

TheColaboraton” project ( seeks to tackle challenges in existing educational or environmental projects with volunteers who have the desire and competences to help find solutions. We believe in the importance of bringing together our know how and desire to support Uruguayan social causes with inspiring projects that do not have sufficient resources.


The aim of the project was to connect with small projects & NGOs that worked in the field of education: get to know them, know their weak points and potential areas of growth inn order to assess them and connect them with professionals willing to collaborate and share their expertise in specific matters to identify problems and reach collective solutions.


Hub Activities:

The colaboraton project consisted of different activities over a four month period:

+ AGO: Meetings with stakeholders and Call to applicants & volunteers.

+ SEP - OCT: Two months mentorship program with each organization: to get to know the project, the team, the challenges and the areas for improvement

+ NOV: WORKSHOPS AT FIIS -International Festival of Social Innovation- with experienced professionals specialized in different areas such as commercial, communication, entrepreneurship, law, articulation and innovation. These experiences professionals donated their valuable time to share advices and recommendations using their knowledge and creativity to co- create new ideas and solutions to problems presented by 2 projects:

  1. Yoga y Valores en Cárceles needed communication advice (presentation of the project, communication plan, consolidation of the volunteer network). We helped them to develop a communication plan.

  2. GEDUCA needed preparation of a business plan to make the social project profitable. We helped them build their business model canvas.


Short & Long-Term Goals/Results:

To have at least 2 small projects or NGO´s interested in participating.


Available Metrics:

·      Direct Impact: 2 organizations with enhanced capabilities

·      Indirect impact: the beneficiaries of each of these organizations.



Coca-Cola , DESEM Young Entrepreneurs (location) and fiiSUruguay.