
Exteriorizando mi paz

Problem Statement

Because of a lack of opportunities and the impact of economic and political problems in Oruro after the 2019 conflicts and the pandemic, Oruro citizenships are victims of stress and mental health issues

Target Group

Our target group are Oruro citizens of all ages that cross by the very center of the city, a place known for having large traffic problems

Proposed Solution

The solution is to beauty neighborhoods in Oruro such as the center with a painting wall and a positive message to help people continue their day

Hub Activities

Getting partners, Getting and artist, Getting support for getting materials, Involving the membership, Deciding the street and the wall to paint in, and Finally execute the painting

Short and Long-Term Goals

Short term goals is to reach as many citizens as possible choosing the right avenue, in the long term to work with partners and paint even more streets in our city

Available Metrics

Some metrics are the transit of people throught the street, the number of partners that we get and the number of social media reach that with get with the activity


Currently we have the support of the Non profit organization Colquechaca and we seek to have government support also

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