
Group Think

GROUP THINK is a community building initiative launched by the Austin Global Shapers. Inspired by a similar organization in Fargo, ND, we wanted a space to convene a diverse group of people to discuss the ideas and issues we often found our selves challenged by in our Global Shapers meetings. The monthly series is a one-hour commitment for people to think with an open mind. The session includes an 20 minute panel of people closely related to the topic (not experts), 20 minutes of a small group break out discussions and closes with a 20 minute large group open microphone session. The event is intentional in it's efforts to 'cut conversations short' with the 20 minute hard stops, in order to encourage organic continued conversation after the event. We are encouraging our community to bring their thoughts and opinions for an evening of coloring in the silence with bridge building dialogue. Recently the North America Shapers gathered at the 2019 NA Shape and asked "Who is not in the room?" This event is meant to bridge that gap and provides diverse thinkers a place to be heard, seen, and present. Through broad topic areas (i.e. Growth, Home and Hunger) we hope to tackle local and global issues such as gentrification, displacement, immigration, food insecurity, housing policy, job access, environmental impact and other topics relevant to our community, through the forum of open and nonjudgmental conversation. The secondary impact is a means of seeding new project ideas, solving project pain points and growing the visibility of the Austin Global Shapers for recruitment purposes.