
Little Free Diverse Library Installations

This Free Little Library Installation Project, spearheaded by Cece Gonzalez-Herrera and Brent Feldman in collaboration with Global Shapers Orlando, is a transformative initiative dedicated to promoting education, inclusivity, and sustainable community development. 



Expand Access to Reading Materials: The primary goal of the project is to enhance access to reading materials, particularly for individuals who face economic and geographical barriers. By continuously installing Free Little Libraries in diverse areas of Orlando, the project aims to make quality literature readily available to all.


Diverse Narratives and Inclusivity: The project seeks to disrupt harmful stereotypes and promote inclusivity by providing a diverse range of books, particularly those that have been banned from public schools. This emphasis on diverse narratives aligns with the goal of creating inclusive communities and challenging inequality within the city.


Sustainable Practices: Through the reuse and donation of books, the project contributes to responsible consumption and production. By reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency, it aligns with sustainability objectives.



Geographical Diversity: The project strategically installs Free Little Libraries in geographically diverse locations to ensure access for underserved communities.


Book Collection: Efforts are underway to collect hundreds of books to stock the libraries, offering a wide variety of reading materials to cater to diverse interests and backgrounds.



Collaborations with local organizations, including Zebra Youth and 904WARD, strengthen the project's impact by involving key stakeholders.



Elected officials and community members are engaged for support and collaboration, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and ownership of the project.


Hub Activities

  • We will continuously install multiple free little libraries throughout the Orlando area in geographically diverse areas. 

  • We will collect hundreds of books to be used in free little library projects. 

  • We predict this proposed project will have impacts through sustainable development goal 4, and auxiliary impacts on metrics within sustainable development goals 10, 11, 12, and 17.  


Quality Education (SDG 4): Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all 

 Access to reading materials is a primary factor impacting educational outcomes. Reading books provides opportunities to be a lifelong learner.  


Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10): Reduce inequality within and among countries 

Education improves economic outcomes, and access to free resources such as fiction or nonfiction books improves both and removes barriers for those who cannot afford other options.  


Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11): Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable 

Providing a free source of diverse narratives improves inclusivity for all.  


Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12): Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 

Free Little Libraries can reduce consumption and production by encouraging the reuse and donation of books and impacting the purchase of new books at the demand level. 


Partnership for the Goals (SDG 17): Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

We have partnered with Florida local organizations such as Zebra Youth and 904WARD while successfully engaging elected officials and community members for support and collaboration. 


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