
Mentorship Program for Young People of Chinese Descent

First generation Chinese people in secondary education (14-18y) in the Barcelona area often lack role models that have pursued higher education. Students from the Chinese community and their families frequently do not have references on what this professional path might look like for them. At the Global Shapers Barcelona, we have developed a targeted social mentoring program crafted specifically for young individuals of Chinese descent residing in Barcelona. Our aim is to help reduce early school dropout rates, encourage cross-cultural dialogues, and broaden pathways for ongoing education and professional development. The mentorship program has paired professionals from the Chinese community with high school students who will meet at least on monthly basis. As of today, the hub has created a campaign to find suitable candidates and hosted a meeting for students and families interested in the initiative.

The project will start partnering up the mentorship pairs at the beginning of 2024 as the short term goal of participation of 10 mentorship pairs has been completed. In the short term, the Hub aims to have at least a success rate of 70%, where at least 7 out of the 10 mentorship pairs meet once a month until June 2024. In the long term, the program is targeting for 80% of mentees to believe they have a better understanding of the implications of pursuing a higher education and a 20% increase in mentees who consider continuing their studies after the mentorship (based on the mentee assessment done before the mentorship). The Barcelona Hub is collaborating with Casa Asia, the Chinese Business Association and the Young Chinese Professionals Association.