
Refill Aqua

The Barcelona Hub believes that through improving the convenience of using a re-fillable bottle, persuading Barcelona’s visitors that the water is drinkable, and creating an attractive brand, Refill Aqua will encourage a shift towards re-usable water bottles.

The Hub thinks that everyone should have convenient access to clean, affordable drinking water, in a way that doesn’t harm other organisms’ enjoyment of clean water environments. We believe in water supply that is healthy at every point of the water cycle.

The Hub wants to see drinking water in Barcelona move from its ‘linear’ current arrangement to a more ‘circular’ system, in which drinking tap water from a re-fillable bottle is the norm.

Refill Aqua seeks to encourage a step in this direction by creating a water refill system. 

With Refill Aqua individuals will encounter locations offering re-usable water bottles to re-fill their bottles by consulting an electronic map of public water fountains and participating venues.