
ReGenoa 4IR

Genoa is undergoing a major economic vision adjustment from heavy industry towards high technology and advanced logistics, and has become the major hub in Italy for Machine Learning and Robotics R&D. High-tech centers are increasing the density of technical skills in the labor market and enabling growth, but larger-scale development and investments are needed to drive the prosperity of the entire city.

The Global Shapers Genoa Hub has launched the "ReGenoa 4IR", a spin-off of the award-winning ReGenoa project, aims at orchestrating and scaling up the city's high-tech business ecosystem, focusing on facilitating and accelerating cooperation at the interplay between innovative businesses, research institutions, recognized experts, investors, and government. We plan to do so by continuing to act as a platform for local and international stakeholders to meet, discuss, co-design, refine, and disseminate new high-level visions and solutions for the city. The unique impact of this project has been and will be the support to the creation and diffusion of novel ideas for the city, together with the creation and extension of long-lasting strategic networks to match demand and offer of innovation and speed up the city's drive towards extensive high-tech development.