
ReGenoa Education


As part of the 2018 assessment for the Global Shapers Genoa Hub Shaping my City's Future Challenge project, the Hub has identified the mismatch between the education system, industry and academia as one of the major challenges the city is facing in its economic and cultural development, especially at the outskirts.

Since 2017 the "ReGenoa Education" project, a spin-off of the award-winning ReGenoa project, is aimed at effectively filling this gap by:

1) Distilling a vision for the role of education and digital skills in the city's future by bringing together academic, education, institutional, and industrial thought leaders;

2) Regularly reaching out to students and education professionals and officers by taking part in regional career fairs, professional meetings, and events in schools

3) Connecting students with advisors and global mentors among Genoese shapers and their networks, presenting them the new professions brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The intended impact is to present these new opportunities to as many students as possible and to support the necessary update and mindset shift of teachers and key education officers.


The objective is to reach as many students as possible, favoring those at the outskirts, both in schools and dedicated fairs.

The Hub has already reached out to several hundreds of students since 2017 in schools, events and career fairs (Salone Orientamenti), and aims at reconfirming these numbers and expanding towards the outskirts of the city.

In the context of the project, the Hub has built longstanding relationships with several teachers and education officials from the regional government of Liguria, and aims at cultivating and extending them by joining the official "Regional Registry of Mentors" made available by the regional government for schools to easily find experts and mentors and set up meetings and events involving students and teachers.

A workshop involving experts on digital skills for manufacturing (a key sector for Genoa) has also been organized by the Hub in collaboration with the World Manufacturing Forum in 2018 (see links below). The main goal of the workshop was to distill best practices and up-to-date knowledge for providing the best possible suggestions and mentorship activities towards students.

Last but not least, the Hub is building a strategic partnership with another non-profit organization, Poliferie, specialized in mentoring students from underprivileged areas.


Salone Orientamenti 2019

Digital Skills for Manufacturing Workshop 2018

Salone Orientamenti 2018

Yearly Meeting of the Education and Training Government Agency 2018

Salone Orientamenti 2017

Workshop in High School on AI, Robotics and Entrepreneurship 2017