
Scale360° Circular Innovation Brussels

Problem Statement

The circular economy ecosystem in Brussels is very evolved, with many actors running circular initiatives. Despite (and perhaps because of!) being a saturated market, there are increasing opportunities for youth engagement and influence policy to accelerate a circular transition. (Also being at the heart of the EU with actors on not only city level but regional.)


Given this ecosystem, the key gap that the Brussels Hub focused on through Scale360 was the lack of engagement in existing initiatives: easy to get lost in the many initiatives, and one would not know where to start if they as an individual or a startup looking for partners. The hub explored two sectors relevant to CE in the city, which presented opportunities for Scale360 engagement:

  1. Food systems: In Brussels, food represents a quarter of the environmental impact of a Brussels household, the majority of which is due to food waste.

  2. Public spaces and mobility: Several public spaces in Brussels are unused, or used mainly for parking cars. Community engagement is essential to reimagine these and lobby for transforming them into spaces that are more safe, foster social interaction and make them more productive for a circular city. 


Solution / Hub Activities

With the pilot project of Scale360°, the Brussels Hub is delivering circular economy interventions tailored to the local needs in Brussels, following the methodology offered by the playbook. The Brussels Hub implemented “Eat Play Live Circular”, a set of three interventions piloted: 

  1. EAT: An ideathon for linking circular economy with food initiatives, to sharpen project ideas for reducing food and packaging waste. - This corresponds to intervention #5 in the playbook - a co-creation session. 

  2. PLAY: Reimagining public spaces with the community, to make them playful, safe and circular. Using a grant from the Brussels government, in partnership with a consortium of organizations. - This corresponds to intervention #4 in the playbook - co-experimentation track.

  3. LIVE: Podcast series on the CE ecosystem in Brussels, featuring Brussels’ Secretary of State for Economic Transition and an entrepreneur in CE. - This corresponds to the intervention #26 of the playbook - awareness creation.


 Target Group

  1. EAT: University graduates, early stage entrepreneurs and others interested in learning about circularity in food

  2. PLAY: The population residing around selected public spaces in Brussels

  3. LIVE: Entrepreneurs, individuals, and organizations interested in learning about and taking action on circular economy in Brussels



Despite being only at a pilot stage, the Brussels Hub has established and mobilized remarkable partners in driving the Scale360 intervention:

  • Implementing partners: Gulflength, 2 Wheels Tuesday, Brussels Inside Out, Commune of Auderghem, EIT Food, Mars Food

  • Experts: Barbara Trachte, Francine Beya, Dalberg Advisors

  • Advisory Board: Zsigmond Varga; Victor Van Hoorn