
Sistemas Sustentáveis (Sustainable Systems)


Angola is experiencing a high food shortage for the poorest households, particularly in some communities, where Luanda is not an exception.  In addition, there are serious problems caused by the rains, which hit the city of Luanda in particular, causing significant and irreparable material, environmental and personal damage. This raises concerns about environmental preservation and conservation, as well as the problem of climate change and the tireless search for solutions. 

Given the above, there is a clear need for innovative social intervention, because together we are stronger.


The Sustainable Systems project aims to contribute to Angola's social and economic development by creating mechanisms to protect and conserve the environment and promote the self-sustainability of rural families and communities, giving rise to organic, domestic, and community gardens.


* Our Garden: Implementation of 10 organic gardens in the various deprived communities and schools to help increase food sustainability, increase the sense of community, and encourage a spirit of leadership in them.

* Urban Afforestation - Planting 1,000 fruit and drainage trees to have a direct impact and improve people's quality of life, as they have the potential to transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, reduce noise and wind pollution, maintain air humidity, regulate rainfall, absorb water to prevent flooding, and provide food. 

* #GreenTalks: A space for dialog, inspiration, and continuous learning aimed at: 

  • Raising public awareness and providing an environmental education platform for people to learn more about the importance of socio-environmental issues.

  • Facilitate partnerships between public, and private organizations, and NGOs in the field of socio-environmental responsibility to inspire community action by encouraging people to be actively involved in sustainable projects.

  • Protection of Marine Fauna: Promote the idea of Blue Economy, development of policies, adoption of measures to conserve and sustainably use the oceans and seas for the sustainable development and distribution of marine resources for this and future generations.

  • Promote the cleanliness of beaches and equivalent areas. Increase access to and dissemination of environmental education regarding the protection of marine fauna.

* Environmental Education and Waste Management (In partnership with the Kuzunga Project): More than empowering women with Financial Literacy, the new format of KUZUNGA has the mission of promoting environmental awareness, bringing practical techniques for managing the waste produced largely by them, informal and street vendors "Zungueiras", and the best sales practices, because the health and/or well-being of the public, the sustainability and growth of their businesses also depend on observing these environmental challenges.


* Over the past 4 months, activities were carried out in some schools to make students aware of environmental issues and the care that should be taken with vegetable gardens.

The creation of home gardens has been encouraged and carried out by some families, as well as the creation of a community garden.

* Three (3) editions of #GreenTalks were held, with 9 guest speakers and experts, and + 200 attendees; 

* One (1) beach clean-up with the Green Nation Association (Associação Nação Verde);

* Four (4) environmental and waste management technique classes were given to +100 street vendors (in partnership with Project Kuzunga);


Annually we expect to achieve:

  • 10 Organic and vertical gardens in communities and schools;

  • 05 Beach cleaning;

  • 1000 Fruit-bearing and draining trees;

  • 10 #GreenTalks.



  • Kalenga Solunga: Project leader and our garden coordinator;

  • Irocy Gonçalves: Project vice-leader and #greentalks coordinator;

  • Serafim Eliot: Protection of Marine Fauna initiative coordinator.