
Strategic Skills for Employability

This project is being delivered in 2020 by the San Jose Hub in alliance with the Costa Rican Union of Private Business Chambers and Associations (UCCAEP), Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN CR), ALDEAS SOS Costa Rica, Parque la Libertad, and Fundación Telefónica to generate 20 virtual workshops that seek to develop the strategic skills of 50 young professionals in unemployment conditions, so that they can enter the labor market more quickly. Global Shapers San José, through its members with broad expertise in various areas of human and business development, is responsible for coordinating project implementation, design, execution, and monitoring of each of the workshops or seminars that are taught, coordination of the facilitators, curation of the content of each session and documentation of the process. As of June 2020, almost 50 young professionals were trained in 12 strategic skills by 11 Global Shapers. Also, the project has been replicated twice since it started.